

(Click on description to provide feedback)

Title Description
Register as monotributista
Adhering to monotributo
Obtain the Certificate of non-retention- Tax on the Transfer of Real Estate
Calculation of Respective and Punitive Interest - AFIP
Obtain the Data Fiscal Form The Data Fiscal
Request a payment facility plan for Profits and Personal Assets
Certify tax residence in Argentina
Query status of my CUIT
Appointing Relationship Manager or proxy to AFIP
Request the registration of taxes or regimes in AFIP
Process the withdrawal of taxes or regimes in AFIP
Obtain the certificate of tax advantages in AFIP
Report on the reorganization of companies to the AFIP
Report on the purchase of ships, machinery and aircraft to AFIP
Reaffirm payments in the AFIP General Regime
Enroll in the Tax Registry of printing presses, autoimpressors and importers
Processing an exclusion certificate in the Income Tax
Enter advances in AFIP
Obtain the CUIT
Request the exemption in the Income Tax
Access the tax benefit for investors
Affidavit of Income Tax for Retired Military Personnel and Pensioners