

(Click on description to provide feedback)

Title Description
Schedule visit to the Mineral Technology Center (CETEM)
Staying at ENAP
Learn how to manage your personal finances (PFM)
To present academic work in scientific events of the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation
Registering with indigenous education
Join the Lattes Curriculum
Apply for the Teachers of Brazil Award (PPB)
Apply for the National Treasury Award
Educate yourself on educational topics by E-proinfo
Training in health issues (AVASUS)
To become qualified in themes related to Social Development
Enable social and environmental issues
Enable yourself online in Information and Communication Technology
Empower yourself to guide your students through visits to the Botanical Garden
Consult libraries of the Institute of Applied Economic Research
To obtain an academic doctorate in the field of Intellectual Property and innovation
To do professional master's degree in biodiversity in conservation units
Master's degree in public policy and development
To do professional master's degree in the field of Intellectual Property and innovation
Make the ENCCEJA
Take the National High School Exam (ENEM)
Doing graduate studies in physics (COEDU / CBPF)
Stay in the Researcher's Hostel
Subscribe to SISU (Unified Selection System)
Subscribe to the selective process of the course of Brazilian Sign Language - Pounds
Obtain a Foreign Postgraduate Scholarship
Get Postgraduate Scholarship in the Country
Get ProUni scholarship (ProUni)
Obtain scholarship from Abdias do Nascimento
Obtain teaching initiation scholarship (PIBID)
Get scholarships for human resources training
Obtain training in the country in the area of ​​radioprotection and dosimetry
Obtain computers for Digital Inclusion Points (PID)
Obtain declarations of regularity of courses and institutions for presentation abroad
Obtain indigenous education
Obtain financing from FIES (FIES)
Obtain proficiency certificate in pounds (PROLIBRAS)
Obtain scientific technical texts from the field of nuclear engineering or related areas
Get a job at Osório Foundation
Participate in the Serial National Assessment of Medical Students (ANASEM)
Participate in the Portuguese Language Olympics (OLP)
Participate in AGU Training
Participate in ESAF Training Courses
Participate in extension activities at INES
Participate in professional master's degree courses in basic education
Participate in the National Press Museum Contest
Participate in the courses of the National Program of Access to Technical Education and Employment (PRONATEC)
Enroll in the INES pound course
Recognize or revalidate a degree obtained abroad
Renew student enrollment at Fundação Osório
Become a multiplier in the series "Me and my money"
Using the Socio-Digital Inclusion School - Conecta
Schedule educational or scientific activities at the Vocational Space Technological Center - Parnamirim
Schedule a specialist talk by the Central Bank
Schedule a technical visit to the laboratories of the Center for Strategic Technologies of the Northeast
Attending a lecture about INES and the education of the deaf
Register Search Groups on the Lattes Platform
Register organization in the Directory of Institutions
Distance training in the Virtual Government School
Buy publications from Ipea and partner institutions.
Accredit institution or college
Deliver self-assessment of Institution of Higher Education to INEP
Send results of the External Evaluation of Institution of Higher Education
Enable private institution for the National Program of Access to Technical Education and Employment
Get access to INEP publications
Get access to magazines published by INEP
Get access to INEP's series of publications
Obtain and consult data on Brazilian education
Obtain Index of Basic Education Development