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1) Accreditation and Re-accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education: Expedition of a regulatory act by the Ministry of Education, necessary for an Institution of Higher Education to offer undergraduate courses. As required by law, acts must undergo periodic renewals after evaluation.
2) Authorization and Recognition of Course: Expedition of a regulatory act by the Ministry of Education, necessary for a Highly Qualified Institution of Higher Education to be able to offer undergraduate course and later issue diplomas of graduates of an undergraduate course. The acts are issued after a specific process protocol by the Institution of Higher Education concerned, in the e-MEC System (Electronic System for processing regulatory processes). Your expedition requires prior evaluation and is conditioned to the achievement, by the Institution / course, of the quality standards established in the current legislation.
3) Renewal of Course Recognition: Issuance of a regulatory act by the Ministry of Education that renews the act of recognition of the course after evaluation process (the act of recognition must undergo periodic renewals, as provided in the Law of Guidelines and Bases - LDB) . The same description of course recognition applies. |