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Health Heroes
Provides supporting information for a campaign to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students to pursue a career in health care.
Indigenous Advancement Support
Employers looking to support and employ cadets will now be able to apply for cadetship funding through the Tailored Assistance Employment Grant (TAEG) local PM&C Regional Network offices.
Employ people
Recruiting and keeping the right people can play a big role in achieving business success. Provides links to helpful information on a range of topics relating to taking on an employee and creating a healthy workplace.
Employer resources
There are several services to support employers with employees who receive a payment or service from the Department of Human Services.
Ending workplace sexual harassment: A resource for small, medium and large employers
A resource to assist small, medium and large employers on understanding and meeting their legal obligations under the Sex Discrimination Act. Provides practical guidance on how employers can prevent sexual harassment and how to respond effectively when it occurs.
For Employers – apprenticeships
Information for employers on all aspects of Australian Apprenticeships, including costs and benefits for your business and where to get more information.
Guide to superannuation for employers
Provides information and advice for employers on paying superannuation for employees and contractors.
Indigenous Australians looking for work, studying or training
The Department of Human Services can help if you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australian looking for work, or want to study or train to find a job.
Jobactive - helping Indigenous Australians
Are you an Indigenous Australian looking for work, or an employer looking to hire Indigenous staff? Provides links to jobs that are Indigenous Identified Positions, and a register for employers to contact eligible job seekers.
Small business
Provides links to a range of tools and resources to help you keep on top of your workplace relations obligations.
Workplace Cultural Diversity Tool
Designed for internal use by organisations to measure their progress towards good practice in cultural diversity, the tool lets organisations assess themselves against 30 measures of competence.