United Arab Emirates
Government Information :: Business
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Why invest in the UAE?
This page throws light on the advantage of investing in the UAE which include: strategic location, state-of-the-art infrastructure, variety of business premises, political stability and more.
Bashr (Doing business in 15 minutes)
You can set up your business in the UAE in just 15 minutes using basher eService. Read the details.
Running a business on the mainland
This page provides information about the key steps involved in running a business on the mainland from opening a bank account and a WPS account to providing health insurance and visas and more.
Running a business in a free zone
This page provides information about the key steps involved in running a business in a free zone from marketing and advertising to conducting foreign trade and more.
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a contractual relationship between one or more government entities and one or more organisations of the private sector.
Public Private People Partnership (PPPP)
In applying the eParticipation concept, the UAE Government is keen to partner with all parties concerned including the common man.
Business regulations
This page lists the general business laws applicable in the UAE and laws that are specific to the industry.