
Property :: Public Registries

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Title Description
(meta) Addition/change to the cadastral plan
(meta) Certificate for administrative adress of immovable properties
Approval of sketch of private property
Certificate for identity of regulated land property
Certificate for mapping new buildings on the valid cadastral plan, pursuant to Art. 52 of Law on Cadastre and Property Register, and in relation with Art. 175 of the Law on Spatial Planning
Issuance of certificate of identity of administrative address
Issuance of sketch of property
Provision of copies of the cadastral plan
(meta) Addition/change to the cadastral plan
(meta) Applying changes in the approved list for the cadastral plan
(meta) Certificate for administrative adress of immovable properties
(meta) Reports (verbal and writen) from the cadastral map and the cadastral registers
Application of changes in the cadastral map (CM)
Application of changes in the cadastral register of immovable properties
Application of ownership changes in the current plan's schedules book
Approval of sketch of private property
Certificate for mapping new buildings on the valid cadastral plan, pursuant to Art. 52 of Law on Cadastre and Property Register, and in relation with Art. 175 of the Law on Spatial Planning
Determination and maintenance of identifier
Issuance of an excerpt of cadastral register of points from the working geodetic basis
Issuance of an extract from the register of title (the register list) to the cadastral plan
Issuance of certificate under Art. 54(3) of the Law on Cadastre and Property Register
Issuance of excerpt from the coordinates of the points of the working geodetic base with a scheme and/or a copy of benchmark books
Issuance of sketch for property or building in non-urbanized area
Issuance of sketch of individual unit in building
Issuance of sketch of property
Issuance of sketch with additional cadastral data
Issuance of written excerpt of Cadastral register of immovable properties in urbanized area
Issuing a sketch of a landed property or building in urban area
Preparation of design for partition of land property located on urbanized territories
Preparation of project for consolidation of land property
Preparation of sketch of individual unit in building
Provide a copy of the cadastral map (CM) in graphic form
Provide a list of coordinates of points of details
Providing graphic or digital copy of digitalized cadastral plan (without ownership data)
Provision of copies of the cadastral plan
Recertification of 6-month validity sketch
Recertifying of sketch or scheme/ issue of duplicate
Registration of identified incompleteness or errors in the cadastral map and cadastral register
Registration of new sketches of individual units in a building
Setting out and marking a boundary of a land property
Working out a design for partition of landed property (LP) located in non-urbanized territory