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Title Description
Labour regulations
Employment of foreigners in Poland
Information for foreigners interested in performing work in Poland
Work permit for a foreigner (Zezwolenia na pracę cudzoziemca)
A temporary residence permit to conduct business activity
Declarations on entrusting work to a foreigner (Oświadczenia o powierzeniu wykonywania pracy cudzoziemcowi)
Seasonal work
Permits for seasonal work of a foreigner. (Zezwolenia na pracę sezonową cudzoziemca)
Work in the profession requiring high qualifications
Appointed employee
A graduate looking for a job
Intra-corporate transfer
Online services
Minimum remuneration for work
Green Line (Zielona Linia)
Support offered to employers who employ people with disabilities
Reimbursement of the costs borne on employing an employee assisting a disabled person
Reimbursement of the training costs of employees with disabilities
Reimbursement of the cost of providing equipment for a work-stand of a disabled person
Reimbursement of the costs borne on the purchase and adaptation of facilities, equipment, software for a disabled worker, as well as costs of the diagnosis of the needs conducted by medical services
The monthly subsidy to remuneration of a disabled employee
Central Database of Job Offers (Centralna Baza Ofert Pracy)
Job offers and interships (Oferty pracy, staże i praktyki.)
Calendar of trade fairs, exchanges and trainings (Kalendarz targów, giełd i szkoleń)
Search for employees (Wyszukiwanie pracownikow)
Complaints and applications (Skargi i wnioski)
Electronic services of Employment Offices (Usługi elektroniczne Urzędów Pracy)
Registration / de-registration of an unemployed or job-seeker (Rejestracja/wyrejestrowanie osoby bezrobotnej lub poszukującej pracy)
Submission of a job offer and internship. (Zgłoszenie oferty pracy, stażu i praktyk.)
Applications for services and benefits (Wnioski o usługi i świadczenia z urzędu)