Government Information :: Maps
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Search cadastral data by cadastral parcel number or by the number of the ownership list. It is possible to display a cadastral plot on the cadastral map with a digital orthophotopen and an insight into the status of an object.
Geoportal of Zagreb Spatial Data Infrastructure
The Geoportal of the Zagreb Spatial Data Infrastructure covers the following thematic maps - main browser, spatial plans, labeling of house numbers, streets and squares, citizen services, strategic planning and development, and interactive inspection of forests
The Geoportal of the State Geodetic Administration is the central location for access to spatial data and one of the basic elements of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure
State Network for Continuous Air Quality Monitoring
An interactive map on which the metering data of the air quality monitoring station can be found.
The quality of the sea in the Republic of Croatia
Interactive map of sea quality. By selecting a particular test point, a review of the final, annual and individual bathing sea quality ratings in the Republic of Croatia is available.