

(Click on description to provide feedback)

Title Description
President of the Republic Scholarship for high school students (application and renewal)
President of the Republic Scholarship for higher education students (renewal)
Scholarship Support for School Retention (BARE)
Scholarships and credits for students of higher education (2019)
Gratuity in Higher Education 2019
Solidarity Fund for University Credit (application and appeal)
New Millennium Scholarship for higher education students
Teacher Vocation Scholarship for first-year pedagogy students
Bicentenary scholarship for students of higher courses
Indigenous Residency Scholarship for higher education (application or renewal)
Bicentenary scholarship for first year students
Juan Gómez Millas scholarship for first-year Chilean students
Juan Gómez Millas scholarship for Chilean students of higher courses
Valech Transfer Repair Grant for first-year students
New Millennium Scholarship for first year students
Academic Excellence Scholarship for first-year students
Articulation Scholarship
Rectification by change of name, surname, sex or RUT in MINEDUC certificates
Juan Gómez Millas scholarship for first year foreign students
Magister Scholarships in Chile
Scholarship for Children of Higher Education Professionals
Technical Excellence Scholarship for first year students
PSU Scoring Scholarship for first-year students
Master's Scholarship in Chile for Professional Education
Scholarship for Children of Education Professionals who study first year
Master's Scholarship in Chile for Public Sector Officials
Teacher Vocation Scholarship for undergraduate students
Scholarship Continuity of Studies of the Universidad Iberoamericana
Doctoral Scholarship Abroad (Becas Chile)
Master's scholarship abroad for education professionals (Scholarships Chile)
Scholarship Continuity of Studies of the ARCIS University
Postdoctoral Fellowship Abroad (Scholarships Chile)
PhD scholarships equal opportunities Fulbright - Conicyt
School Achievement Bonus
Comprehensive Information and Citizen Attention System (SIAC) of JUNJI
Complaints for breach of educational regulations
Support program for disabled students in institutions of higher education 2018
School Achievement Bonus
Priority student certificate
Application to educational establishments: School Admission System (SAE)
Search for pre and postgraduate scholarships abroad
Authorization for the teaching exercise
Study Tour Program
Scholarship University Selection Test (PSU) →
Comprehensive Information and Citizen Attention System (SIAC) of JUNJI →
I connect to learn
Seeker of a kindergarten or a nursery of Integra Foundation →
Residence visa for foreign students (application abroad)
National Zoo (free access)
Free application to access the Tupahue pool
National contest to support educational institutions for the inclusion of disabled students 2018
List of institutions of higher education
Educational Programs Bosque Santiago
Documentation Center (CEDOC) of JUNJI
Request for information from the JUNJI (Transparency Law)
Integra Foundation Documentation Center
Registration in courses of the virtual classroom of BiblioRedes
Professional practice as a lawyer in the CAJ
Complaints for breach of educational regulations
Research permit in protected wild areas
Live your garden contest
Consultations with the Superintendency of School Education
Interactive resources and contents of school reinforcement
Publish an article in the magazine Quality in Education
Improvement Internships in Technical Competencies (Technicians for Chile)
Search of educational establishments
Application for the inspection of buses for school trips or study tours →
Certificate of plans and study programs of closed higher education institutions
Information on higher education and technical-professional
Resource continuity plan 2017 (renewal of additional supports)
Contest "Your school decides"
Research projects and studies on education
Search engine and comparator of higher education institutions
Quality in Education Magazine
International studies of the Agency for the Quality of Education
SERNAC Educa Program
INJUV Preuniversity Scholarship - UC 2014
Research studies of the Quality Agency of Education
Portal Directors for Chile
Antarctic school fair
Request for a financial education talk
Applied Science Competition
Continuous training program for teachers of the Mirador Interactive Museum
Perspectives on Education Bulletin
Contest of exchange projects of the international scientific cooperation program
GEMINI-CONICYT fund competition for the development of astronomy and related sciences
National Competition of Insertion of Advanced Human Capital in the productive sector
Juan Gómez Millas scholarship for first year foreign students
Doctoral Scholarship Abroad (Becas Chile)
Postdoctoral Fellowship Abroad (Scholarships Chile)
Seeker of a kindergarten or nursery of JUNJI
Documentation Center (CEDOC) of JUNJI