Individuals and Families
(Click on description to provide feedback)
Retirement planning
Types of retirement income, saving for retirement, how much money you will need and managing your finances.
Pooled Registered Pension Plan (PRPP)
Joining a PRPP or managing your PRPP savings and investment options.
Retirement Income Calculator
A step-by-step calculator to help you estimate your retirement income, employer pensions and other sources of income.
EI maternity and parental benefits
Apply for benefits if you are pregnant, have recently given birth, are adopting a child, or are caring for a newborn.
Canada Child Benefit
Apply for the new Canada Child Benefit that replaces the past system of child benefits.
Federal Income Support for Parents of Murdered or Missing Children
Apply for income support if you have been away from work to cope with death or disappearance of your child, as a result of a probable Criminal Code offense.
Manage personal finances
Get information on budgeting, banking, mortgages and credit cards to help you make responsible financial decisions.
Victim services and funding
Get information and assistance for victims of crime.
Having a baby
Apply for benefits and get information on your baby's health, development and safety.
Retirement planning
Help you plan for retirement, including where your retirement income may come from, and what benefits you may be eligible for when you retire.
Allowance for the Survivor
Find out how to receive a benefit if you are a low-income widow and are not yet eligible for Old Age Security.
Buying a home
Programs and services to help you purchase, renovate, and adapt your house or condominium.
Living with a disability
Services and financial benefits to assist people with disabilities and their families.
Benefits for Indigenous peoples
Benefits and programs for Indigenous peoples, including education and training, income assistance and more.
Victim services and funding
Get information and assistance for victims of crime.
Legal services
Support available to you and your family including legal advice, counselling and estate services.
Emergency preparedness
Learn about how you can prepare your family for an emergency and learn about how we are working with provincial and territorial governments, academia, national associations and non-governmental organizations to strengthen national emergency preparedness.
Victim services and funding
Additional information and assistance for victims of crime.
Making a budget
Tips to make and stick to a personal budget.
Budget Calculator
Find out where your money is going and determine how much you can put towards your goals.
Life events and your money
Losing your job, living as a couple, buying a home, having children, getting divorced and more.
Estate planning, wills and dealing with death
Making a will, planning your estate, powers of attorney and what to do following a death.
Financial rights and responsibilities
Your rights and responsibilities when dealing with financial institutions.
Credit reports and scores
Improving your credit score, correcting errors, ordering your credit report and more.
Retirement planning
Types of retirement income, saving for retirement, how much money you will need and managing your finances.
Managing debt
Paying down debt, what to do if a collection agency contacts you and getting help with debt.
Credit reports and scores
Improving your credit score, correcting errors, ordering your credit report and more.
Choosing a mortgage, renewing your mortgage, paying off your mortgage faster and more.
Loans and lines of credit
Lines of credit, personal loans, payday loans, financing a car and what to consider before you borrow.
Credit cards
Choosing a credit card, resolving an unauthorized transaction, joint credit cards and more.
Borrowing against home equity
Refinancing your home, home equity lines of credit and second mortgages.
Protecting yourself if interest rates rise
How your loan payments may increase if interest rates rise.
Choosing a financial advisor
Finding a financial advisor, how advisors are paid and checking if they are registered.
Setting savings and investment goals
Setting short-term and long-term financial goals.
Retirement planning
Types of retirement income, saving for retirement, how much money you will need and managing your finances.
Financial Goal Calculator
Calculate how to pay down your debt and reach your savings goals.
Setting up an emergency fund
Why you need an emergency fund, how to set it up and tips to use it.
Budget Calculator
Find out where your money is going and determine how much you can put towards your goals.
Financial Goal Calculator
Calculate how to pay down your debt and reach your savings goals.
Mortgage Calculator
Calculate your mortgage payment schedule and how to save money by making prepayments.
Mortgage Qualifier Tool
Find out if you can qualify for a mortgage based on the property you want, your income and your expenses.
Retirement Income Calculator
A step-by-step calculator to help you estimate your retirement income, employer pensions and other sources of income.
Financial Literacy Self-assessment Quiz
A helpful quiz to test your money management skills and knowledge.
Credit Card Payment Calculator
Find out how long it will take to pay off your credit card and explore options to pay it back faster.
Financial Basics workshop
A money management workshop to help young adults make smart financial decisions.