(Click on description to provide feedback)
Caring daily for someone with a disability, illness or medical condition is an important responsibility. Payments and services are available to help.
Payments for carers
We provide payments to people who provide daily care to someone with severe disability, a medical condition, or who is frail aged.
Carer Gateway
A national online and phone service that provides practical information and resources to support carers. An interactive service finder helps carers connect to local support services. Call 1800 422 737.
Caring for others
For people with disability
Supporting Carers
Almost 2.7 million Australians care for someone with disability, a medical condition, mental illness or someone who is frail due to age. The Australian Government helps carers remain engaged in the community, participate in the workforce and stay healthy while continuing their caring role through the provision of funding for a range of supports, services and financial assistance.
Young Carers
Provides tips, contacts and support for children and young people who help care in families where someone has an illness or a disability.
Sickness allowance
A payment for people aged 22 years or older but under Age Pension age who temporarily cannot work or study because of an injury or illness.
Self service
You can do most of your Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support business using self service. There are options using mobile apps, online services or phone self service.
Indigenous specialist officers
Help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who live in urban, rural, regional and remote communities to access the DHS payments and services anywhere in Australia.
My Aged Care
Helps you find up-to-date information about Australia's aged care system. It provides easier access to a full range of aged care services and hosts a number of features including aged care home details, help at home and carer information.
Aged Care Pricing Commissioner
Increases the level of transparency in the pricing of residential aged care services and ensures aged care recipients are charged appropriately for accommodation and other services through approval of certain prices.
Aged care service finder
Helps you locate Australian Government-funded aged care services. You can search for homes in a particular location or find services that can help you remain independent in your home.
Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
The accreditation body for residential aged care homes and for quality review of home care services.
Help at home
Provides information to assist people to stay at home. Includes information on home and community care services, home care packages and other care and support available.
Home care today
Supports both older Australians and home care providers as they work out what to expect, what choices they have and how they can make decisions about home care packages using the consumer directed care (CDC) approach.
Respite care
Provides access to a variety of respite services for carers who may need some extra help every now and then, including a short break from their caring role.
Links to resources about physical and mental disabilities, as well as information on rehabilitation and caring for people with disabilities. Healthdirect provides links to some of Australia's most authoritative health organisations and their websites.
Disability support services
Links to resources on support services for people with disabilities and their carers. Healthdirect provides links to some of Australia's most authoritative health organisations and their websites.
National Companion Card
Enables eligible people with lifelong disability to participate at venues and activities without incurring the cost of a second ticket for their companion.
National Relay Service
An Australia-wide telephone access service provided for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. It is also available to anyone who wants to call a person with a hearing or speech impairment.
Self help devices
Self help, or assistive, devices can give a person the leverage they need to perform certain tasks that they find difficult due to lack of strength, flexibility, range of motion or balance. Healthdirect page linking to information on a range of self help devices.
Home and care
Provides a variety of in-home and community support programmes focused on assisting veterans to continue living independently by supporting their health, well being, and community connection.
Provides rehabilitation assistance to entitled serving and former Australian Defence Force (ADF) members, reservists and cadets with rehabilitation plans tailored to suit the individual.
Veterans' health cards
Provides information about health cards for eligible veterans and former members of Australia's defence force, their widows/widowers and dependants. There are different eligibility requirements for each type of card.
Organ donor registration
The only national register for people to record their decision about becoming an organ and tissue donor for transplantation after death. Family consent is always sought before donation can proceed.
The Line
Provides supporting information for a behaviour change campaign for young people aged 12 to 20 years. The Line encourages healthy and respectful relationships by challenging and changing attitudes and behaviours that support violence.
Health and wellbeing – states and territories
States and territories have primary responsibility for public hospitals and community and public health, ambulance, public dental services and mental health programs. Provides links to state and territory health information.
State and territory health departments
Provides links to Australian state and territory health departments.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Leads and coordinates national improvements in safety and quality in health care across Australia. Develops and supports national safety and clinical standards, formulates and implements national accreditation schemes, and develops national health-related data sets.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australia's national agency for health and welfare statistics and information. Collects and reports information on a wide range of topics and issues, ranging from health and welfare expenditure, hospitals, disease and injury, and mental health, to ageing, homelessness, disability and child protection.
Department of Health
Undertakes health policy research and coordination, and regulates of various aspects of the health system, including the safety and quality of pharmaceuticals and other therapeutic goods, and the private health insurance industry.
For Consumers
This section of the web site contains a comprehensive range of topics relevant for consumers.
For Health Professionals
This section of the site contains comprehensive range of topics relevant for health professionals.
Department of Health consultation hub
Helps you find, share and participate in health consultations that interest you.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
A bi-national Government agency that develops and administers the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code , which lists requirements for foods.
Medicare card
The card lets people get a range of medical services and prescriptions at a lower cost, and free care as a public patient in a public hospital.
Medicare Safety Net
Provides a higher Medicare benefit for out of hospital costs. Your doctor’s visit will still cost the same, but we’ll give you a higher benefit back.
My Health Record
A secure online summary of your health information. You control what goes into it, and who can access it. You can choose to share your health information with your doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers.
An interactive site that lets you see how your local health area is performing and how it compares against other similar areas.
Search and compare performance information for more than 1,000 Australian public and private hospitals. You can view the performance against indicators such as waiting times in emergency departments or for some types of surgery, and other indicators.
National Health Performance Authority
Provides nationally consistent, locally relevant and comparable information about Australia’s health system to inform consumers, stimulate and inform improvements and increase transparency and accountability.
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
Helps cover the cost of a wide range of prescription medicines.
Australian Immunisation Register
A national register that records vaccinations given to children under seven years of age.
Care for Kids' Ears
Provides supporting information for a campaign to increase awareness of ear disease and hearing loss in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
DIP 4 Kids
Provides information to assist in decisions about paediatric diagnostic imaging including CT for over 20 clinical conditions and injuries occurring in children and young people. Includes information on radiation levels.
DIP 4 Kids
Immunise Australia Program
Provides supporting information for a campaign to increase national immunisation rates by funding free vaccination programs. Provides information about immunisation to the general public and health professionals.
Kids' health
Information on health issues that affect children, from babies and toddlers to young people. Healthdirect Australian provides links to authoritative health organisations and their websites.
Livewire (community for young people with chronic illnesses)
Provides a safe and fun online community designed for young people living with a serious illness, chronic health condition or disability. It also caters for their siblings and parents and allows members to share experiences.
My Child's eHealth Record
Have you registered your child for an eHealth record? The app lets you add and view a range of information, such as growth charts and reminders about health checks and immunisations.
My Child's eHealth Record
My Child's eHealth Record
My Child's eHealth Record
My Child's eHealth Record
Overweight and Obesity
Provides information on the definition of overweight and obesity, its causes and health consequences and how to calculate your BMI (for adults only).
Physical activity
Provides interesting and useful information on physical activity and health associated issues. The National Physical Activity Guidelines for Australians outline the minimum levels of physical activity required to gain a health benefit and ways to incorporate incidental physical activity into everyday life.
Avian influenza (bird flu)
Provides key facts and information about Avian Influenza, also known as bird flu. Includes links to FAQ's and the latest news
Bladder and Bowel
Provides information and advice on the prevention and management of bladder control and bowel problems. Contains information on continence health promotion, early intervention and support for consumers, their families and carers.
Cancer Australia
Works to reduce the impact of cancer and improve the wellbeing of people affected by cancer. Provides information for people affected by cancer and on cancer risk reduction.
Cardiovascular disease
A leading cause of death in Australia and one of the health areas which contributes to the burden of illness and injury.
Chronic disease
Information about chronic disease prevention and management. Some health areas covered include arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mental health and obesity.
Chronic respiratory conditions
Information about chronic respiratory conditions including asthma, allergy, hayfever (allergic rhinitis) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and their treatment programs.
Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Scheme
Helps families who are eligible to meet treatment costs for specialised services for cleft lip and cleft palate conditions.
Communicable diseases information
Information on some of the activities of the Office of Health Protection (OHP) in managing a number of communicable diseases such as influenza, foodborne diseases, yellow fever, vaccine preventable diseases and sexually transmissible infections in Australia.
Diabetes mellitus is a condition where the body cannot maintain normal blood glucose levels. It is a significant cause of death and disability in Australia and is increasing in prevalence worldwide.
Pandemic Influenza
Provides supporting information for a campaign to provide information about pandemic influenza, including what the Australian Government will do if it happens, and what individuals, businesses, communities and health care professionals can do to prepare for and respond to a flu pandemic.
ADIN – Australian Drug Information Network
Provides access to quality reviewed alcohol and drug information on alcohol, other drugs and mental health, with links to treatment services, research, statistics, guidelines, journals, policy, campaigns, events, and more.
Provides supporting information for a campaign on alcohol-related health issues.
Alcohol guidelines: reducing the health risks
Make an informed choice and help reduce the risks to your health from drinking alcohol. Includes a downloadable chart on what is a 'standard drink' for beer, wine and spirits.
National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund
Promotes quality evidence-based practice in drug law enforcement to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of licit and illicit drug use in Australian society.
National Drug Strategy
Provides supporting information for a campaign to improve health, social and economic outcomes for Australians by preventing the uptake of harmful drug use and reducing the harmful effects of licit and illicit drugs in our society.
National Drugs Campaign
Allows instant access to information about the harmful effects of drug use and encourages and supports decisions not to use. Features GPS functionality to help find support services based on location.
Department of Health
Provides supporting information for a campaign to help young people and parents understand the harmful effects and consequences of drug use.
Office of Drug Control
Regulates and provides advice on the import, export and manufacture of controlled drugs, as well as the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal purposes.
On Track with The Right Mix
Track the number and types of drinks you consume; the amount of money it's costing you and calculate the impact the alcohol has on your well-being and fitness levels.
On Track with The Right Mix
The Right Mix
Provides information, tools and support to help you consume alcohol as part of a balanced lifestyle.
Provides access 24 hours a day to health advice and information. Check symptoms and find health services.
Australia's health 2014
Australia’s health 2014 combines analytical feature articles on highly topical health issues with short statistical snapshots.
Australian Cancer Trials
Provides information on the latest clinical trials in cancer care, including trials that are currently recruiting new participants.
Australian clinical trials
Provides reliable and up-to-date information and advice about clinical trials in Australia for the public, researchers and industry.
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
Aims to inform practice and policy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health by making research and other knowledge readily accessible.
Better health channel (Vic)
Site for health and wellbeing information and services sponsored by the State Government of Victoria with related links.
Cancer Learning
Professional development platform, providing access to evidence-based learning activities for health professionals, trainees, students and the wider community who are interested in cancer care.
Cervical screening registers
Cervical screening registers operate in each state and territory and keep a confidential record of your test results. To advise of a change of address, or if you would prefer to have your details removed from a register, provides links to your state or territory cervical screening register.
Concussion in Sport
Provides information for athletes, parents, teachers, coaches and medical practitioners to increase their understanding of sport-related concussion and to assist in the delivery of best practice medical care.
Consumer – food standards
Provides information on a range of topics of interest to consumers such as food additives, chemicals in food, GM foods, food safety, labelling and nutrition.
CSIRO diets
CSIRO diet and lifestyle programs cater to a range of needs including general weight loss, heart health, children's wellbeing and type 2 diabetes.
Eat For Health
Provides information on the Australian Dietary Guidelines including advice about the amount and kinds of foods that we need to eat for health and wellbeing.
Healthy living
Offers links to topic pages on issues that affect your health, such as fitness, nutrition, mental health and drugs.
Indigenous health and welfare statistics
iOS Provides statistics and facts on: the Indigenous population, education and work, housing and community safety, determinants of health, health and disability, life expectancy and mortality, health and welfare services, and expenditure and workforce.
Know Your Noise
Find out if your hearing is at risk and get tips on what to do about it. Provides supporting information for a campaign to change attitudes and behaviours towards harmful noise exposure, and reduce the prevalence of acquired hearing loss.
Men's health
Links to information on men's health issues such as diet and overweight, prostate cancer, sexual health and mental health. Healthdirect provides links to some of Australia's most authoritative health organisations and their websites.
Nutrient Reference Values
Outlines the recommended intakes for kilojoules (energy), protein, carbohydrate, fibre, fat, vitamins and minerals considered adequate to meet the nutritional needs of healthy people based on age, gender and life stages.
Nutrition and healthy eating
Provides guidelines and recommendations to encourage healthy eating that will minimise the risk of the development of diet-related diseases within the Australian population.
Provides access to facts and figures on the health and wellbeing of Australians. Topics covered include: diseases and conditions, risk factors, health spending, alcohol and tobacco and an overview of the health of population groups.
Provides statistics and fast facts on: welfare spending, the wellbeing of population groups including children, young people, working age and older people, as well as information on diversity and disadvantage in Australia.
Pensioner concession card
Gives cardholders access to Australian Government health concessions and helps with the cost of living by reducing the cost of certain goods and services.
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
Provides an online service and a free call on 1800 882 436 for information, advice and support through pregnancy and childbirth to preschool. Browse the website or call the helpline and speak with a qualified counsellor. Calls from landlines are free, mobile charges may apply.
Seniors' health
Provides information on maintaining your health as you age and enter retirement. Healthdirect provides links to some of Australia's most authoritative health organisations and their websites.
Statistics [health]
Links to health statistical information such as general practice, medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) statistics.
Australian Government Rebate on Private Health Insurance
Reduces the cost of private health insurance for people who are eligible for Medicare and are members of certain private health funds.
Express Plus Medicare
Helps you view your Medicare claim history, update your contact and bank account details and much more. There are 25 Medicare items that can be claimed using the app that do not require you to upload a receipt.
Express Plus Medicare
Lifetime health cover
Information on lifetime health cover. It was designed to encourage people to take out hospital insurance earlier in life, and to maintain their cover. Further details can be obtained from the Lifetime Health Cover hotline 1800 307 446.
MBS online - medicare benefits schedule online
Allows you to search and browse through the medicare items or the explanatory notes contained within the Schedule. You can search by either the number or description of the items or notes or simply browse through the categories, groups and sub-groups.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Provides community linking and individualised support for people with permanent and significant disability, their families and carers.
Private health insurance - for consumers
Department of Health and Ageing - Private health insurance page links to information about private health insurance for consumers, including Lifetime Health Cover, Rebates and frequently asked questions.
Helps you get the best out of your health insurance. Search for and compare selected features for all private health insurance products offered in Australia. You can search a database of all policies to help you review your current policy or choose a new one.
Veterans' health
Provides information and links to AIHW studies investigating the health of veterans.
A Healthy and Active Australia
Provides a range of information and initiatives on healthy eating, regular physical activity and overweight and obesity to assist all Australians to lead healthy and active lives.
Cancer Screening
Provides supporting information for campaigns to protect your health through early detection, even if you don’t have any symptoms of the disease. Simple screening tests look for particular changes and early signs of cancer.
Drinking Nightmare
The National Binge Drinking Campaign. Along with a range of initiatives, it aims to reduce harms associated with drinking to intoxication by young Australians.
Fight Flu Campaign resources
National Health and Medical Research Council page with links to download resources, including multi-language flyers, related to the Fight Flu Campaign.
Health Star Rating
Provides supporting information for a campaign about the Health Star Ratings on packaged food. Learn how they can help you make healthier choices.
Health Weight Guide
Provides supporting information for a campaign to help you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight using information and tools provided.
Healthy Workers
Designed for both employers and employees and includes a range of information and resources to assist with making workplaces healthier.
My QuitBuddy
Helpful smoking quit tips, tracking systems to chart your progress, daily motivational messages and reminders for those planning to start the quitting journey.
My QuitBuddy
My QuitBuddy
Pelvic Floor First
Encourages pelvic floor safe exercises so that people don't experience unwanted side effects such as bladder and bowel problems.
Pelvic Floor First
Customised workouts allow people of all fitness levels and pelvic floor function to undertake pelvic floor safe exercises to reduce the risk of bladder and bowel problems.
Pelvic Floor First
Pregnancy Pelvic Floor Plan
Teaches you how to exercise your pelvic floor muscles to maintain or improve bladder control and also provides practical information and tips on bladder and bowel health.
Pregnancy Pelvic Floor Plan
Quit for You – Quit for Two
Provides support and encouragement to help you give up smoking if you are pregnant or planning to be.
Quit for You – Quit for Two
Quitnow – National Tobacco Campaign
Provides supporting information for the quitnow national tobacco campaign, providing smokers with motivation and support to help them stop smoking.
STI – Sexually Transmissible Infections
Provides supporting information for a campaign to prevent catching, or spreading, an STI. Many people who have an STI don’t have any obvious symptoms or signs. Provides information on chlamydia, gonorrhoea, herpes, HIV/AIDS, HPV, syphilis and other STIs.
Lets you find a 7 day weather forecast and the UV level and sun protection times for your local area in Australia. Personalise the sun protection alert to remind you of the daily sun protection times or use the vitamin D Tracker to find out if you are getting enough UV exposure. Sun protection times are based on the UV information issued daily by the Bureau of Meteorology.
World Aids Day
Each year December 1 is a time to remember those who have died, and help break down barriers by changing behaviours, opinions and attitudes.
Australian Digital Health Agency
Provides information on digital health for health care providers and implementers. Responsible for the national digital health strategy including the design, development, delivery and national operations.
Australian Hearing
Provides information on hearing loss and hearing services to people eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.
Breast implant information
Provides information regarding poly implant protheses (PIP) breast implants. The 24 hours information line 1800 217 257 can assist individuals concerned about breast implants.
Breast prostheses reimbursement program
Provides reimbursement of up to $400 for new or replacement external breast prostheses for eligible Australian women who have had a mastectomy as a result of breast cancer.
Continence helpline
The continence helpline on 1800 330 066 is an advisory service for people with bladder or bowel control problems. Staffed by a team of continence nurse advisors, the service is available from Monday to Friday, between 8.00am and 8.00pm AEST.
Disability and carers
Programs and services to support people with disability and their families and carers. Further support is provided through grants and funding for organisations delivering services for people with disability.
Use the app to check your symptoms, find a health service when and where you need it or search for trusted health information.
Healthdirect helpline
If you need health advice, call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 and speak to a registered nurse. The nurse can also connect you to the after hours GP helpline for further medical advice or to an emergency service if necessary.
Hearing Help
Get impartial hearing advice and support from fully qualified hearing specialists on freecall 1800 740 301 or via webchat. Hearing Help includes information and tips and a free hearing test.
National Blood Authority
Manages the supply of blood and blood products and services on behalf of the Australian Government and state and territory governments.
National Health Services Directory
Search the directory to find health services near you. Provides information about GPs, pharmacies, hospitals and emergency departments.
Organ and Tissue Authority
Encourages people to register their decision about becoming an organ and/or tissue donor and to discuss their decision with family and friends. Discover the facts about organ and tissue donation.
Provides links to health services for a range of specific diseases or health issues.
Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service
Provides counselling and group programs to Australian veterans and peacekeepers and their families. It is a specialised, free and confidential Australia-wide service. Call 1800 011 046 to arrange an interview.
Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines
Provides links to clinical practice guidelines developed for use in Australian health care settings.
Australian General Practice Training
Regulates Australia's health practitioners in partnership with the 14 National Health Practitioner Boards .
Grants (NHMRC)
A summary of the various types of funding provided by the National Health and Medical Research Council, together with conditions and application forms.
National Health and Medical Research Council
Supports health and medical research, develops health advice for the Australian community and health professionals, and provides advice on ethical behaviour in health care and medical research.
NHMRC Public Consultations
Provides the opportunity to participate in developing NHMRC health advice, advice on ethical behaviour in health care and the conduct of medical research through public consultations.
Professional Services Review
Reviews and examines possible inappropriate practice by practitioners when they provide Medicare services or prescribe Government subsidised medicines under the PBS.
Connects consumers, carers, doctors, nurses and pharmacists to trusted and current information about prescription medicines in Australia. Simply search the medicine name to find its Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) or Product Information (PI) document.
Health products and medicines
Provides access to information about medicines, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), medical devices and health products for consumers. These topics includes details about product recalls by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and traditional or alternative medicines.
Helps you keep track of the medicines you or your family members take – what the medicine is for, how much to use and when to use it.
Medicines line
Medicines Line 1300 633 424 provides consumers with access to independent, accurate, up-to-date information about prescription, over-the-counter and complementary (herbal, natural, vitamin and mineral) medicines.
NPS MedicineWise
Provides free, independent, evidence-based info on medicines, health conditions and medical tests for health professionals and consumers.
Pharmaceutical allowance
Provides help with the cost of prescription medicines. Paid to eligible income support recipients with their regular fortnightly Centrelink payment.
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
Contains information on the PBS including details of the medicines subsidised by the Australian Government as well as information for consumers, carers, health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry.
Therapeutic Goods Administration
Australia's regulatory authority for therapeutic goods. Protects public health and safety by regulating therapeutic goods that are supplied either imported or manufactured, or exported from Australia.
Head to Health
Find trusted phone and online mental health support services and resources, for people and health professionals, to help take control of mental health.
At Ease
Developed to help veterans, ADF personnel, and family members identify the symptoms of not coping. Provides tips, treatment options and resources and also clinical resources for health professionals who may be treating members of the veteran and defence community.
Online tools and training for serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members to build resilience.
find your right mix
This site is here to help with tips, tools and strategies that can reduce the impact of drinking on your lifestyle.
DVA Mental Health Series
Beyondblue works to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia. Get support 24/7 on 1300 22 4636.
Provides early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. Information and services for young people, their families and friends as well as health professionals.
High Res
Assists serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel and their families to manage the daily stresses of military life, deployment, transition to civilian life and life post-service.
High Res
KidsMatter is a mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention initiative especially developed for primary schools and early childhood education and care services
Lifeline Australia
Provides all Australians with access to 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Mental health disorders
Offers information and links on a wide range of disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Mental health services in Australia
Provides a picture of the national response of the health and welfare service system to the mental health care needs of Australians.
A mental health initiative for secondary schools that aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people.
National Mental Health Commission
Provides independent reports and advice to the community and government on what’s working and what’s not in mental health. Gives mental health and suicide prevention national attention and influences reform to help people live contributing lives.
Operation Life
Supports clinical care by offering easy access to emergency and professional support services and a personal support network that users can call when help is needed. Designed for use by serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel who are at risk of suicide, as a support to clinical care.
Operation Life
OzHelp Foundation
The OzHelp Foundation is a not for profit, community based mental health support organisation with a focus on suicide prevention in industry workplaces.
PTSD Coach Australia
Android iOS Helps you understand and manage the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. It is not designed as a stand-alone treatment – ideally, it is a tool to use as part of your treatment.
PTSD Coach Australia
Depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health problems experienced by young people. If you think you, or someone you know, may have depression or anxiety you can get help now by calling Beyondblue Info line on 1300 22 4636.
Australian Institute of Sport
Provides world-class expertise and services to identify, develop and produce world, Olympic and Paralympic champions. Links sports investment to performance targets.
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority
Protects Australia's sporting integrity through deterring prohibited doping practices in sport. Responsible for the implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code in Australia.
Model WHS Laws
In 2011, Safe Work Australia developed a single set of WHS laws to be implemented across Australia. These are known as ‘model’ laws.
A core function of our work is developing and maintaining an evidence base to inform WHS and workers’ compensation policy and practice. It also helps to significantly reduce the incidence of work-related death, injury and illness.
WHS/OH&S acts, regulations and codes of practice
Safe Work Australia leads the development of national policy to improve work health and safety and workers’ compensation arrangements across Australia. It does not regulate or enforce WHS legislation.
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority
A national scheme of workplace health and safety (WHS), rehabilitation and workers’ compensation arrangements which apply to defined seafaring employees.
Reciprocal health care agreements
Covers the cost of essential medical treatment for Australian residents when travelling in some countries. Also gives visitors from these countries some health services and subsidised medicines while visiting Australia.