Government Information
(Click on description to provide feedback)
Torres Strait Regional Authority
Supports the economic, social and cultural development of the Torres Strait to improve the lifestyle and wellbeing of Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people living in the region.
Whole of Government information and communications technology
Policies, services, skills and guidance to support the productive application of information and communications technologies to government administration, information and services.
Australian Communications and Media Authority
Responsible for the regulation of telecommunications, broadcasting, radiocommunications and the internet. Provides information on the internet, radio and TV, phones and licences for consumers and industry.
Online shopping
To make the most of online shopping and banking it's important to follow some simple steps to protect your money and personal details and to avoid scams.
Online shopping – MoneySmart
Want to know how to stay safe when you shop online? Moneysmart provides a few simple tips.
Disability Employment Services
Provides specialist help for people with disability, an injury or a health condition to find and keep a job.
Disability rights
Provides a range of resources and links on disability discrimination and the rights of people with disability.
Provides workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers. Incorporates a complaints resolution service and a hotline for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability.
Helps young people have safe, enjoyable experiences online. Provides online safety eduction and a complaints system to help children if they experience serious cyberbullying.
eSafety Women
Provides a range of resources and advice to help women take control of their online experiences. Includes tips on how to check security settings across all digital devices, dealing with cyber stalking, trolling, and sharing intimate images without consent.
Protecting yourself online – What everyone needs to know (PDF 2.7MB)
Brings together information and advice from a range of Australian Government departments and agencies, in one handy booklet, to help all Australians stay safe and secure when using the internet – whether dealing with scams, spam, banking or bullying.
Contains information for consumers and businesses about compliance with the Spam Act 2003, reducing the amount of spam you receive, boosting internet security, avoiding email scams, protecting children online, making a spam report or complaint and the steps the Australian government is taking to combat spam.
Stay Smart Online
Designed to help home users and small businesses to stay smart online with simple advice on how to secure computers, transact and interact safely online. Provides access to a range of information and resources including helpful top tips, fun quizzes, and guides.
A free, evidence-based cyber safety program providing cyber safety education to parents, carers and teachers through schools and organisations across Australia.
Transport of dangerous goods
Provides information and links related to the land transport of dangerous goods in Australia.
Provides information on Australian Government programmes and grants to assist regions to realise their potential and manage their own futures.