United Kingdom
Business Registrations :: Modifications
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Tell HMRC about a change to your business
You must tell HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if you change your name, business name or your personal or trading address.
Make changes to your private limited company
You must tell Companies House if you change your company’s: - name - address - directors and company secretaries, including changes to their details - type, eg becoming a public limited company or unlimited company - share, eg issuing new shares or changing your share structure - constitution and articles of association - how your company is run - mortgages and loan guarantees (sometimes called ‘charges’), eg if the company takes out a secured loan
Strike off your limited company from the Companies Register
You can close down your limited company by getting it ‘struck off’ the Companies Register, but only if it: - hasn’t traded or sold off any stock in the last 3 months - hasn’t changed names in the last 3 months - isn’t threatened with liquidation - has no agreements with creditors, eg a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)
Tell Companies House about changes to your limited company
You must tell Companies House about specific changes you make to your limited company.
Liquidate your limited company
You can choose to liquidate your limited company (also called ‘winding up’ a company). The company will stop doing business and employing people. The company won’t exist once it’s been removed (‘struck off’) from the companies register at Companies House.
Wind up a company that owes you money
You can apply to the court to close or ‘wind up’ a company if it can’t pay its debts. This is also known as compulsory liquidation.