
Licensing and Permits

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Title Description
Distance training of farmers, agricultural specialists and consultants, preparation of their accreditation documents and certification of licenses
Accreditation of consultancy firms and their consultants
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Permits (IPPC Permits)
Allow the introduction and use of forest reproductive material for afforestation / Issue a duplicate of a permit
Issue / Suspension of License Exemption / Revocation of License Suspension / Duplication of License for Insemination Center Activities
Issue of plant product protection authorization document
Plant protection product marketing permit
Permit to conduct scientific investigation of the unregistered plant protection products
Issue / renewal / replacement of permission to open vending machines, bingo salons, gambling houses (casinos)
Application for authorization of physical education and sports activities
Issue / revision of license for activities with ionizing radiation sources / amendment of an annex / suspension / suspension / suspension of validity
Allow the introduction and use of forest reproductive material for afforestation / Issue a duplicate of a permit
License for handling documents and (or) storage services.
Application for the issuance / issue of a duplicate authorization for the introduction / removal / transportation of radioactive waste
Application for the issuance / issue of a duplicate authorization for the introduction / removal / transportation of radioactive materials
Application for a license to engage in activities in the environment of ionizing radiation with another person holding a license
Application for the issue of an authorization for the release of radioactive materials into the environment / amendment of the permit application
Application for the issuance / revision of the license to engage in the manufacture of tobacco products or to issue a license to engage in the manufacture of tobacco products or to cancel the license to engage in the manufacture of tobacco products
Application for a license to provide a document storage service / revise the license
Application for a license to provide a document handling service / revise the license
Application for a certificate about the gun, which is unusable
Application for the license to produce, use or trade explosives
An application for the authorization of an independent electricity supplier / to change the authorization of an independent electricity supplier / to revise the authorization of an independent electricity supplier / to issue a duplicate of an independent power supplier's permit / to suspend the authorization of an independent electricity supplier; to revoke the authorization of an independent electricity supplier; suspension of the supplier's permit
Application for obtaining / revision / revocation of a local registration certificate for activities involving precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (precursors), issuing a duplicate certificate, suspending the validity of the license, or canceling the suspension of the license
Request for the issue of a public electricity supply license / Change the license for electricity public supply / Issue a duplicate of the public electricity supply license / Suspend the validity of the public supply license for electricity / Repeal the validity of the license for the electricity public supply license / To cancel the suspension of the validity of the public supply license for electricity
Request to issue a license for the natural gas market operator / To revise the license of the natural gas market operator / Issue a duplicate of the license of the natural gas market operator / To suspend the license of the natural gas market operator / To cancel the license of the natural gas market operator / To cancel the license of the natural gas market operator
Application for the issuance of an electricity transmission license / replacement of an electricity transfer license / issue a duplicate of the license for the transmission of electricity / suspend the license for the transmission of electricity / withdrawal of the license for the transmission of electricity / withdrawal of the license for the transmission of electricity
Application for the issuance of an electricity distribution license / replacement of an electricity distribution license / issue a duplicate of a license for the distribution of electricity / suspend the license for the distribution of electricity / terminate the license for the distribution of electricity or terminate the license for the distribution of electricity
Heat supply licence
Issue / Suspension of License Exemption / Revocation of License Suspension / Duplication of License for Insemination Center Activities
Licence or licence duplicate for continuous supervision of potentially hazardous installations
Application for precious metals and precious stones and their products, waste and scrap (valuables) burial, imprisonment and other services
Issue / revision of license for activities with ionizing radiation sources / amendment of an annex / suspension / suspension / suspension of validity
Issuance of supplements of licence for economic and commercial railway transport activities for accordance of railway undertaker civil responsibility.
Issuance of permission to use rail vehicle in Lithuania, replacement of permissions.
Licenses for economic and commercial railway transport activities.
Issuance of permission for training centers to train profesionals concerned with transoportation of dangerous goods.
Application for a license to provide a document handling service / revise the license
Application for a license to provide a document storage service / revise the license
Qualified legal acts user workstation
Licensing services of legal persons for pharmaceutical activities and pharmaceutical activities related to List II and List III drugs and psychotropic substances or List III psychotropic substances
Issue of permits for the development of electricity generating capacities and permits for electricity generation
Issue / renewal / replacement of permission to open vending machines, bingo salons, gambling houses (casinos)
HomeSearchService description Issue / revision of license for activities with ionizing radiation sources / amendment of an annex / suspension / suspension / suspension of validity
Application for the issuance / replenishment / revision of the production license for alcoholic products, including alcoholic beverages, or for the withdrawal of licenses for the production of alcohol products, including alcoholic beverages
License for handling documents and (or) storage services. License for handling documents and (or) storage services.