
Licensing and Permits :: Applications

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Title Description
Apply for a licence to carry an organizational firearm (Heb)
Apply for a licence to keep a deceased person's firearm as a keepsake (Heb)
Apply for a permit to employ a foreign athlete or trainer
Apply for a permit to employ a foreign athlete or trainer
Apply for a permit to employ a foreign athlete or trainer
Apply for a permit to employ an expert foreign worker
Apply for a permit to employ an expert foreign worker
Apply for a permit to employ an expert foreign worker
Apply for a personal firearm licence (Heb)
Apply for a work permit for a foreign worker in the nursing sector
Competitive driving licence (Heb)
Driving licence (Heb)
Electrician licence renewal (Heb)
Extend permits for foreign workers in the nursing sector for humanitarian reasons
Licence to perform electrical work (Heb)
Licence to perform electrical work (Heb)
Request a permit to erect a lightweight barrier