Country: | Oman |
Title: | Business Directory |
Description: | A service that allows a citizen to search for a particular business or organization within the areas of Muscat city. The company's activities and licenses are displayed. A specific company is searched by entering the name of the company. Details of the company will be displayed. The user can also search for a specific business activity in a specific area by entering Activity name and area selection. |
Link: |!ut/p/a1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKDvbydgj1NjAwMLMxMDDydLY28fS3MDYAAqCASqMAAB3A0IKQ_XD8KrMTYwN3AwN_S09c7xNfRwMg4zM3L0sfM2MXFBKoAjxXBiUX6BbkRBlkmjooAeZ-dUw!!/dl5/d5/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS80SmlFL1o2XzMwRzAwTzlJTTRCUUQwMkoySzVTQTMyMFM0/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/ar/site/home/gov/gov1/gov5governmentorganizations/mctmnet/seappsta |
Category: | Business Registrations |