Slovak Republic
Individuals and Families
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Organizing a farewell to the deceased
Announcement of autopsy rejection
The service allows to send to the Office for Health Care Supervision a notice of refusal of autopsy according to § 48 par. 4 of Act No.581 / 2004 Coll., As amended. The autopsy refusal must contain information that will make it possible to clearly identify the person who rejected the autopsy, the handwritten signature of the person who rejected the autopsy and the date of production. The autopsy must be refused to the Office, which records it and keeps it for 10 years from the day of the person's death. The Office maintains a list of persons who refused autopsy during their lifetime. Signature does not need to be authenticated. Upon receipt of the "Announcement of the Autopsy" form, the Office shall send a confirmation of its registration.
Announcement of autopsy rejection - legal representative
The service allows to send to the Office for Health Care Supervision a notice of refusal of autopsy according to § 48 par. 4 of Act No.581 / 2004 Coll., As amended. The service is intended for legal representatives of natural persons. It is the duty of the legal representative of a natural person who has been deprived of legal capacity by a court or whose jurisdiction has been restricted by a court decision to enclose a copy of the court's decision.
Providing a refrigerated box for temporary storage of the deceased
The citizen - the funeral keeper arranges the funeral organization, including the temporary storage of the deceased in the refrigerated box.
Renting a grave site
Provision of a cover letter for the transport of remains
The service is intended for survivors of a Slovak citizen who died abroad. Through the service, it is possible to send a request for the equipment of the accompanying letter for the transport of body remnants to the relevant representative office of the Slovak Republic, in which the applicant reserves a meeting for handling the application with respect to the country in which the citizen is located.
Organizing a civil wedding ceremony