Business Registrations
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Doing Business in Egypt
In View of government's effort to streamline procedures and improve business environment in Egypt, The ministry of Investment \ GAFI monitors and analyzes international investment reports, in order to identify Egypt's rankings aiming to furnish a reform martrix to improve investment climate. In this context Doing Business report is considered to be one of the most important report, DB Report is an Annual report issued by IFC – WB, Measuring Ease of Doing business concerning 100% domestically owned SMEs around the world, focusing on 10 indicators: Starting a Business, Construction Permits, Getting Electricity, Registering Property, Getting Credit, Protecting Minority Investors, Paying Taxes, Trading Across Boarders, Enforcing Contracts, Resolving Insolvency
Companies E-Establishment Service - General Authority for Investment
Companies E-Establishment service provide the investor with an interactive service to apply and upload all required documents to establish his specified company. Due to the interactive service the investor receives a confirmation with the required fees to be paid through one visit to GAFI