Finance and Insurance
(Click on description to provide feedback)
Microcredit Financing Scheme
NEED an injection of capital to kick start your business? Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) has partnered up with Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) to roll out a financing scheme of up to $15,000 with no collateral required.
Collateral Registry System
The enactment of the Secured Transactions Order, 2016 ("STO") and the accompanying Secured Transactions Regulations ("STR")(collectively referred to the as "the Legislation") is a significant, comprehensive reform of personal property law that introduces a single approach to dealing with personal property (movable assets) where the main proposition is– "is the personal property transaction one that is recognized under the STO?"
Collateral Registry System (Brochure)
Bank Usahawan
At Bank Usahawan we lead with an open mind and eager attitude as we endeavor to meet the financial ambitions of the entrepreneurs for Brunei’s future