
Government Services :: Libraries

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Title Description
Specialized Reference for general users (National Library of Teachers)
Interlibrary Loan (National Library of Teachers)
Consult audiovisual material in the National Library of Teachers
Obtain a student credential (National Library of Teachers)
Preparation of bibliographic lists for the general public (National Library of Teachers)
In-person consultation of materials (National Library of Teachers)
Free use of computers (National Library of Teachers)
Loan of books for users with credentials (National Library of Teachers)
Service of scanning and sending of historical material for Researchers (National Library of Teachers)
Processing a subsidy for a popular library
Training in the use of Aguapey software for librarians.
Video loan / CD'S for Educational Institutions (National Library of Teachers)
Visit the National Library of Teachers with my school or institute
General queries about the National Library of Teachers, programs of the Ministry of Education
Legal library specialized in insurance
Librarianship Assistance for Institutions (National Library of Teachers)
Obtaining the credential for Librarians (National Library of Teachers)
Enter as a reader to the National Library
Request for information in the Library of the Secretary of Labor
Obtaining the Credential for General Users (National Library of Teachers)
Specialized information on Industrial Property available for consultation at the INPI Library.
Technical and Librarianship Assistance for information units (National Library of Teachers)
Recognition and incorporation to the Registry of Popular Libraries
Accountability of subsidies for current expenses of a popular library
Accountability of subsidies for projects of a popular library
Subsidy application for a popular library projects
Library of the Ministry of the Interior and Transport
Consultations, Claims and / or Suggestions - National Library of Teachers I know
Make inquiries in the Library of the National Museum of Fine Arts
Specialized reference in Hemeroteca, Documentation Center and American Room (National Library of Teachers)
To prove myself as a researcher in the National Library
Access to the Library, Museum and Archive Dr. Ricardo Levene (National Library of Teachers)
Register as a beneficiary of a popular library
Access to the American Room for researchers
Access online to material from the National Library of Teachers Access
Online access to the catalog and digital library
Make a guided visit to the National Library
Online access to the vocabularies developed by the National Library of Teachers
Copy of videos / CD'S for Educational Institutions (National Library of Teachers)
Create your own vocabulary (National Library of Teachers)
Obtaining the credential for teachers (National Library of Teachers)
Obtaining the Credential for children from 3 to 12 years old (National Library of Teachers)
Request an itinerant sample from the National Library
Access BNMM services for blind people We advise