
Government Services :: Communication and Feedback

(Click on description to provide feedback)

Title Description
Subscription to the Legal News Bulletin
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate a CPLD System
Authorizations - Request for Total Cancellation of Radioelectric Authorizations in frequencies below and above 30 MHz and the Citizen Band Service (SBC)
Authorizations- Application for total or partial cancellation of unregulated systems lower frequencies 30 MH
Authorizations- Request for network modification in frec. less than 30 MHz HF (BLU) in the SFMT
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate a SFAD and an SFDVA Apply for registration
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate an SAPAP
Authorizations - High Request Radio Stations at frequencies below 30 MHz in BLU
Authorizations - Request for Modification for freq systems shared in bands above 30 MHz
Authorizations - High Request to operate a SAEMG by Radio Link
Approvals- Registration in the RAMATEL Materials Registry- Authorization of equipment
Approvals- Registration in the RAMATEL Materials Registry- Equipment homologation
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate an ARPAP System
Approvals - Renewal of registration in the RAMATEL for the Homologation of equipment
Approvals - Renewal of registration in RAMATEL - Equipment coding This
Payment plan request Radio or Control Rate, Control and Verification
Authorizations- High Request to operate a SAEML by Radio Link
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate TPMTV Systems in the 2.5 GHz Band and TPTV
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate a PCS, an SRMC and an STM
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate an AISBT System
Approvals- Registration in the RAMATEL Materials Register- Equipment coding This
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate a TPRS Service
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate a SRCE, an SRCEP and an SRCEO
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate a PFVHF System
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate a STDeI
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate an STMEI
Authorizations - Request High Frequencies between 452,500 to 456,750 MHz and 462,500 to 466,750 MHz
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate an SRC, an SRT, an STMB or an SMR
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate an SAP, an SAPB or an APL
Request registration to operate Audio Signal Distribution Service (SDSA)
Authorizations - Application for Registration to operate an STDMM
Authorizations - High Request for Wireless Local Broadband Access System (SIALBA)
Participate in the cycle of training for journalists
Request for Notification of a Radioastronomy Station before the ITU BR
Application for Authorization to operate Remote Earth Stations
Application for Authorization to operate Master Earth Stations
Authorization Request for the Provision of SMS through geostationary systems
Application for Registration / Authorization to act as an Accounting Authority in the SMMS
Authorization Request to provide Satellite Facilities in the SFS and SRS through geostationary systems
Application for Registration of Contracts subscribed by Satellite Facility Providers authorized in the SFS and SRS
Request for the Provision of World Services for Satellite Communications through No Geo constellations in the SFS and SMS
Application for Authorization to operate Terrestrial Stations of the SFS for TVRU / ARU
Application for Authorization to operate Earth Stations for Occasional Use
Presentations of Affidavit of Remote Earth Stations of Subscribers - C and Ku Bands I know
API request of a network or satellite system No Geo before the ITU BR
Request for Coordination (CR / C) from a satellite network or system to the ITU BR
Radio amateurs- Alta Radio Club
Authorizations- MCBO High MCVHF MCREM MCSED MCMED MCOOP shared frequency in band greater than 30 MHz
Give faith of life (survival) of retirees and pensioners abroad