Government Information
(Click on description to provide feedback)
registration Get the registration of the auctioneer. Language Spanish General Inspection of Justice URL: Action: Request shift Office corresponding to the citizen The documentation is presented at the headquarters of the Generic Inspectorate ...
Request public information
Everyone has the right to access public information, make an application....
Consult Sworn Statements of Public Officials
The OA is responsible for the safekeeping of the envelopes that contain the Public and Reserved Sworn Declarations of the highest ranking officials of the National Government. Due to the public nature of them, you can make use of this control tool. ...
Request the credential of Legitimate User of Special Use Materials
Request the credential of Legitimate Users of Special Use Materials (for Collective Users whose act of service is the custody of money and other values) ...
Procedures of a general nature and several
procedures of a general nature and several ...
Rubricar books
It is the qualification of the social and accounting records required by the imposition of Law 20337 in its art. 38 and as pertinent the Commercial Code. ...