Government Services :: Libraries
(Click on description to provide feedback)
Access Current National Library Online Exhibitions
Facility that allows access to the current online exhibitions from the National Library.
Access the National Library of Ireland Sources Research Database
Access to Sources, the National Library of Ireland's database for Irish research.
Browse the National Library's Repository of Digital Photographs
Facility that allows the user to browse the collection of digital photographs digitised by the National Library of Ireland.
National Gallery of Ireland Picture Library Search
Facility allowing users to access the National Gallery of Ireland's professional picture library, which contains an ever-expanding collection of beautifully photographed high-quality images.
National Library Pre-Book Viewing Facility
Facility for ordering material for research in the National Library.
National Library Web Archive Search
Search facility for the National Library web archive.
Public Libraries Online Resources
Links to online resources for public library users.
Search the National Archives Catalogue
Facility allowing users to search the National Archives catalogue.
Search the National Gallery of Ireland Library & Archive Images
Access images and information from the National Gallery's archives and special collections online.
Search the National Gallery of Ireland Library Catalogue
Facility for users to search the National Library of Ireland's newspaper database.
Search the National Library Newspaper Database
Facility for users to search the National Library of Ireland's newspaper database.
Search the National Library of Ireland Catalogue
Search facility for the National Library collections.
Search the National Library of Ireland's Photographic Databases
Search facility for the National Library of Ireland's photographic material.
Take a 360° Tour of the National Library
Facility that allows users take a 360° tour of the National Library.