Employment :: Labor
(Click on description to provide feedback)
Apply for Jobseeker Payment with MyGovID
Facility to apply for Jobseeker's Benefit and Jobseeker's Allowance.
Apply for Social Welfare
You can apply for Social Welfare benefits including: State Pension (Contributory) Widow's, Widower's or Survining Civil Partner's (Contributory) Pension Child Benefit Jobseekers Payment
Apply for State Pension (Contributory)
Apply for the State Pension (Contributory) (if you have been invited to apply online). The State Pension (Contributory) is paid to people from the age of 66 who have enough Irish social insurance contributions. It is not means-tested. You can have other income and still get a State Pension (Contributory).
Carer's Support Grant
The grant is paid automatically to people getting Carer's Allowance, Carer's Benefit or Domiciliary Care Allowance.
Close Your Jobseeker's Claim with MyGovID
Facility for a jobseeker to close their claim.
Contact Department of Social Protection Using a Secure Online Form
Submit a question to the Department of Social Protection.
Contact the Department of Social Protection
Query form to contact the Department of Social Protection.
Department of Social Protection Customer Feedback
Online comment card to provide customer feedback to the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.
Eligibility Check and Payment of Treatment Benefits
Check eligibility for payment of Treatment Benefits.
Find a Personal Public Service Number Registration Centre
Facility to enable users find their local Personal Public Service Number Register Office.
Intreo Employment and Income Supports
Intreo is a single point of contact for all employment and income supports.
Make a Holiday Request (for Jobseekers)
Facility for jobseekers, who are in receipt of a social welfare payment, to notify the Department of Social Protection of their intention to take a holiday.
Make a Public Service Card (PSC)/Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) Application Appointment
Facility to make an appointment to apply for a PSC/PPSN for yourself, your family, or on behalf of a person or a group.
Online Certification for Jobseekers
Facility to allow jobseekers certify online that they continue to be unemployed and that they are actively seeking work.
Pay Cork Social Housing Rent
Facility allowing users to pay Cork City Council social housing rents.
Redundancy Calculator
Calculator to estimate potential redundancy entitlements.
Rental Accomodation Scheme
Facility offering advice on the Rental Accommodation Scheme, including where to apply.
Report Suspected Social Welfare Fraud
Facility enabling users to report suspected social welfare fraud to the Department of Social Protection.
Request Hard-Copy Form or Publication from the Department of Social Protection
Facility to enable users request a hard copy of a form or publication from the Department of Social Protection.
Request Payment Method Change
Request a change in payment method for certain payments.
Request a Payment Statement from the Department of Social Protection
Facility that allows users request a statement of Social Welfare payments.
Request a copy of your Social Insurance Contributions Record with MyGovID
Facility to request and receive a copy of your Social Insurance Contributions Record.
Submit Change of Address
Update your address online relating to your social welfare claims.
Submit Insolvency Claim Form
Form that allows users submit an insolvency claim.
Submit Your Work and Skills Information
Input information on your work history and skills.
Unemployment Benefits
Details on benefits for the unemployed.
Apply for an Employment Permit
Facility that allows users apply for employment permits.
Apply for eVetting
Facility for users to apply for or track an eVetting application.
Central Depository Employment Scheme for Non-EEA Crewmen
Details of the Central Depository employment scheme for non-EEA crewmen in parts of the Irish Commercial Sea Fishing Fleet.
A dedicated and dynamic information portal tailored for graduates seeking information about career opportunities in the Public Service.
Make a Labour Court Appeal
Access for users to an appeals form for the Labour Court.
Take an Online Health and Safety Course
Access to the Health and Safety Authority's online health and safety courses.
Workplace Relations
Resources and advice from Workplace Relations.