
Transportation :: Private Vehicle

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Title Description
Car and road fines
Driver's license
Vehicle Registration
Replacing a driver's license when changing owner data, loss or unfitness
Replacement of a driver's license upon expiration of its validity or changes in the health status of the driver
Paperwork when buying, leasing or changing data about the owner
Loss of documents or changes in vehicle data
Removal of the vehicle from the register for disposal or export outside the Russian Federation
Registration of a motor vehicle in the State Traffic Inspectorate
Change vehicle owner data
Registration of motor vehicles for a limited period (leasing, subleasing, temporary import)
Receipt of JTS, TCP or registration marks in return for lost or unusable
Modification of vehicle registration data associated with a change in the design of the vehicle.
Termination of vehicle registration in connection with export outside the Russian Federation.
Termination of vehicle registration by the former owner upon expiration of 10 days from the date of the sale and purchase transaction, in the absence of registration of the vehicle for the new owner.
Termination of vehicle registration due to disposal
Survey of the small size vessel prepared for transition (moving)
State registration of a small-sized vessel used for non-commercial purposes in the register of small-sized vessels