Agriculture and Livestock :: Land and Soil
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Organization of the examination of projects for geological exploration of mineral resources
Organization of the examination of projects for geological exploration of mineral resources
Conducting a state examination of mineral reserves, geological, economic information about the subsoil areas to be used, the amount and procedure for charging for its implementation
Conducting a state examination of mineral reserves, geological, economic information about the subsoil areas to be used, the amount and procedure for charging for its implementation
Issue of conclusions about the absence of minerals under the site of the upcoming building
Subsoil Information
Approval of applications for issuing a license to export subsoil information
Obtaining a conclusion about the absence of minerals in the depths under the site of the upcoming building
Obtaining a conclusion about the absence of minerals in the depths under the site of the upcoming building
Obtaining geological information about the subsoil, obtained as a result of the state geological study of the subsoil
Obtaining geological information about the subsoil, obtained as a result of the state geological study of the subsoil
Approval of applications for issuing licenses for the export of collections and collectibles on mineralogy and paleontology
Approval of applications for issuing licenses for the export of collections and collectibles on mineralogy and paleontology