Business Registrations
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ePodnesak Ministry of Science and Education
The service enables natural and legal persons to register business premises within the competence of the Ministry and to hand over other submissions electronically instead of sending them mail; review of submitted submissions and notification of their receipt and participation (OKP).
Procedures related to membership of Croatian Chamber of Architects
The user is granted access to HKA's requirements, the service enables physical persons to submit requests for authorization, to register an independent activity
Unique Register of Entrepreneurial Infrastructure
The unique register of entrepreneurial infrastructure records and systematises entities of entrepreneurial infrastructure in the Republic of Croatia who are beneficiaries of grants, incentive measures, grants or privileges
Register of annual financial statements
The Register of Annual Financial Statements is the central source of information on the business performance and financial standing of legal entities and individuals who are taxpayers where you can obtain all financial data for all taxpayers for submission of annual financial statements. In addition to the annual financial statements, the Registry disposes with other documentation of the taxpayer that they have submitted to the Registry (Auditor's Report, Notes to the Financial Statements, etc.)
Craft Register
The Craft Register Portal will ease and shorten the way when registering a craft and help find relevant craft related information.