

(Click on description to provide feedback)

Title Description
Update Dependents for Income Tax
See Balance of Fund 157 - CVM (Fund 157)
Check the situation of the restitution of the Income Tax
Answer Fine Knit Decision
Issue proof of enrollment in the CPF
Issue proof of cadastral status in the CPF
Obtain Data Update from Income Tax - DIRF Rectification
Obtain Fiscal Regularity Certificate for Individuals (CND-PF)
Obtain exemption from payment of Union property taxes
File challenging the Notice of Launching of the Inspection Fee - CVM
To file appeal in the application of tax legislation in second instance
Averbar suspensive cause of liability or guarantee
Consult and issue DARF of installments of debts on property of the Union granted until July 2009
Contract API CPF query
Declare Withholding Income Tax
Declaring Tax on Rural Territorial Property
Declare Medical and Health Services
Declare Transfer of Ownership of Shares
Declare Use of Foreign Currency Resources Due to the Receipt of Exports
Declare presumed credits
Declare federal tax credits and debts
Declare tax for Individual Microentrepreneur, Microenterprise and Small Business
Declare Financial Transactions
Declare operations with Credit Cards
Declaring operations with immune paper
To declare financial, foreign exchange, welfare, insurance and consortium operations.
Declare transactions between residents in Brazil and residents abroad
Issue DARF for payment of fees on Union property
Issue Federal Revenue Collection Document
Issue document for payment of debts registered in Active Debt of the Union
Deliver the Declaration of Information on Regularization of Works
Settle debts with the IRS