Government Services :: Libraries
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Register to use the ESAF library
Provide librarian infrastructure with provision of the collection for: students regularly enrolled in training, development, improvement and extension courses, with medium or long duration of course held at Esaf; teachers, researchers, instructors, trainees, collaborators and outsourced employees of the School; servers belonging to the staff of the Ministry of Finance and Esaf and members of the community in general (previously registered).
Browse National Archives Archives
Access to public information contained in documents kept by the National Archives.
Consult the archive of the Itamaraty Central Archive
The Central Archive is responsible for the custody, custody and management of 33 million document-supported analog faces. Its mission, under the Law of Archives (Law 8159/91) is the Access to Information Act (Law 12527/11) is to have this memorial collection to researchers and stakeholders, a universe comprising students, academics, journalists and public to follow instructions requested and emanated from the various spheres of the Ministry, are activities-means and purpose. It also maintains interlocution with various organs of the direct and indirect Administration at all levels of powers.
Consult the collection of the Library of the National Institute of Technology
On-line catalog: - Consult the existence of bibliographic material of interest, according to the available search options (eg subject, title, author, etc.) - Some documents can be accessed directly by the user, since are in electronic format. - If the document of interest is not available in electronic format, the user must appear at the INT Library during its opening hours to consult the material of interest. The material can not be withdrawn for loan by the external user.