Immigration and Travel :: Naturalization and Citizenship
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Naturalize yourself Brazilian
It is the act by which a person acquires voluntarily the Brazilian nationality, as long as it meets the requirements established by law.
Get Amnesty Policy
Reparation of the State, moral and / or financial, for damages suffered in the period from September 18 , 1946 until October 5, 1988 due to acts of exception (persecution exclusively political).
Obtain equal rights for Portuguese citizens
It is the act by which the Portuguese voluntarily acquires the same civil and political rights as the Brazilians due to an agreement made between Brazil and Portugal, provided that it requires it, since it is not automatic.
Opt for loss of Brazilian nationality
It is the act by which a person voluntarily loses Brazilian nationality, provided that the person has already acquired another nationality.
Retake Brazilian nationality
It is the act by which a person voluntarily regains the nationality he had lost.
Regularize the CPF
To regulate the CPF in the page of the RFB in the Internet or in the agreements Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal and Correios. The regularization of the CPF in the page of the RFB will be carried out in the cases of complementation of cadastral data that are not in the database and when there is no pending in the delivery of declarations of natural person.