Government Payments
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Fines Register of Financial Statements (Fines REC)
Payment of the fine for the registration of the financial statements after the deadline and / or for failure to comply with the prohibition on the distribution of dividends.
Modalities of Payment - UTE
The different forms of payment that UTE offers its clients: Bank Debit - Credit Cards - Internet Payments (from Uruguay and abroad) - Automatic Teller Machines - On-Site Payment (in collections network) - Payment to the Account - Elected Expiration.
ANTEL invoice: Duplicate Printing and Consultation
Online receipt and payment: Print and / or pay your receipt with a credit card or other payment options.
Payment of LATU Services
The service allows the payment of procedures or procedures of the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU).
OSE Invoice Payment System
Complete information about all forms of payment enabled to pay OSE bills.
Payment of Loan Installments of the BHU
Print the information to make the payment in any of the premises authorized for collection (ABITAB, CORREO URUGUAYO, REDPAGOS).
Payment of Personal Funeral Services
It is the request for payment in cash of the cost of funeral services provided to personalities of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, designated by the Executive Power.
Consultation of Rollover Patent Payment Agreement
It allows you to consult the information of a payment agreement for road patents.
Printing of Payment Tickets - DGI Debts
Printing of the tickets that allow the payment of the debts to the General Tax Directorate (DGI).
Form 1700
It is a sworn statement in which: The notaries involved must withhold, declare and pay (when applicable) the ITP and IRPF for capital increases. Acquirers by acquisitive prescription must declare and pay (when applicable) the ITP and IRPF for patrimonial increases. The heirs, legatees and beneficiaries for definitive possession of the property of the absentee must declare and make the corresponding payment to the ITP.
Payment of Judicial Decisions
It consists in complying with an official report issued by the competent Court and in agreement with the Legal Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, regarding a judgment won by a company or an individual.
Payment - Rate of bromatological control
Rate of bromatological and sanitary hygienic control.
Sworn Statement by Canon Concept of Developers of Free Private Zones
It is the process controlled by the Accounting Financial Advisory of the Free Zones Area, for the purpose of charging the fee to the Developers of the Private Free Zones
Free Certificate of Fines (Montevideo and Paysandú Police Headquarters)
It is noted that the owner of the vehicle in question does not owe fines for traffic infractions.
Payment - Of notices and propaganda
Liquidation and collection of notices and propaganda.
Subscription of Agreements
It is a form of payment that allows the financing of contraventions in monthly installments
Real Estate Contribution Payment - Rivera
Payment of the expired installment of the real estate contribution in the Department of Rivera.
Payment - Procedure to release a car with a parking violation
Procedure to remove a car with a parking violation.
Payment of Burial Expenses
Benefit granted to pay the burial expenses of the active or retired police officer, his spouse and children under 18 years of age; and the pensioner (in the latter case alone).
Exemption - General Fee for Sports Clubs
Exemption from the General Rate to Sports Clubs.