
Public Notifications

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Title Description
COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) Notification by Operators of Establishments - Part A
COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) Notification by Operators of Establishments - Part B
Employer's Notification to the Radiation Protection Board of Intention to Appoint a Qualified Expert
Notification by Employers for the Removal of Asbestos
Notification by Employers of an Accident at the Workplace
Notification Form for the use of Group 2, 3, or 4 Biological Agent
Occupational Disease Reporting
Radiation Protection Board (RPB) - General Notification Form
Radiation Protection Board (RPB) - Importing Agent Notification Form
Radiation Protection Board (RPB) - Notification Form (Dental Clinics)
Radiation Protection Board (RPB) - Notification Form (Veterinary Clinics)
Radiation Protection Board (RPB) - Notification of Intention to Carry out Off-Site Work
Notification for the Purpose of installing/using Satellite Earth Terminals (MCA/F/12-1210)
Notification Form for General Authorisation to Provide Non-Reserved Postal Services Outside the Scope of the Universal Service
Notification to indicate the Intention of Installing, or the Installation and Bringing into use of Radiocommunications Apparatus comprised in a Wireless Electronic Communications Network (MCA/F/1
Sale and Purchase of Maritime Radiocommunications (VHF/Sat. EPIRB) (MCA/10/57/F)