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Online shopping - Customs clearance for individuals
When ordering items from foreign online stores, in most cases you must pay 25 per cent VAT when the item arrives in Norway. If you are buying clothes, you also have to pay duty.
Complaint about an individual decision Aurland municipality
Complaint about an individual decision Fitjar municipality
Complaint about an individual decision Kongsberg municipality
Complaint about an individual decision Porsgrunn municipality
Order a tax exemption card
An exemption card is a tax deduction card that shows that an employer shouldn't deduct tax if you earn NOK 55,000 or less. If you had an exemption card last year, you don't need to apply for a new one. The exemption card will already be available to your employer. Remember to allocate the exemption card amount if you have several employers during the course of a year. Your employer will obtain the exemption card electronically when you have ordered and allocated it.
See which employers have obtained your tax deduction card
You can see whether an employer has obtained your tax deduction card.
Order an exemption card or tax deduction card
Your employer will obtain your tax deduction card from the Tax Administration after you have ordered it. This means that you will not receive it by post at your home address. If you earn NOK 55,000 or less during the year, you do not need to pay tax and you can order an exemption card instead.
Table-based deductions and percentage deductions for tax deduction cards
The deduction tables show how much tax an employer must deduct if you have a tax deduction card that contains a table. If you're deducted a percentage, the percentage rate is shown.
Create a customer ID number for tax payments
A customer identification number is known as a KID number. Here, you can create a KID number for paying tax and employer's contributions.
Shareholder's tax report and equity certificates
All shareholders will receive the “Shareholder's tax report” at the same time as the tax report. Here you can see, control or deliver your "Shares and equity certificates." The report presents a summary of your shares in Norwegian and foreign companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The report also includes equity certificates in Norwegian savings banks.
Application for extended deadline for submitting the tax return
You can apply for an extension of up to 1 month. The deadline for applying is April 30th.
See your claims and payments at the tax collector
The "My claims and payments" service gives you a summary of debts, credit balances and payments made between you and the tax collector. Please note that it may take a few days for this summary of incoming and outgoing payments to be updated
Search the tax lists
Here you can log in and find individual tax payer information for the last income year. You can also see who has searched for and viewed information about your tax and income.
Amend tax deduction card / advance tax
When you have amended your tax deduction card, your employer automatically has access to your new tax deduction card electronically from the Tax Administration. You do not need to submit anything to your employer.
Death report and inheritance
Here you can find information about registering a death and links to forms for inheritance.
View, edit or submit the tax return
Here you can see, change and submit the tax return for income and wealth tax ('skattemelding', 'selvangivelse'). The submission deadline for the tax return is 30 April.
Help to get the taxes right
Here you will get an overview of themes and deductions that make you get a correct tax deduction card, tax returne and tax assessment notice.
Declaration of paid work at home where a private individual is the employer
This form is intended for private individuals who pay salary to people who carry out work in their home or holiday property.
Appeal against my wealth and income tax
In most cases, you can now amend your tax return even if the submission deadline has passed. Find out whether you should appeal or whether you can make the necessary changes yourself.
Deduction wizard
The deduction guide provides an overview of some of the most common expenses you can deduct from the tax. Tick for the questions concerning you, and see which deductions you may be entitled to.
Commuter guide
A commuter is a wage earner that spends the night away from home because of work. If you are a commuter, you might be entitled to tax deductions for your additional expenses for food, accommodation and travel to and from the commuter home.
Travel Deduction for travel between home and work
The travel deduction calculator calculates how much you can claim in travel deduction between your home and workplace (in Norwegian only).
Check your tax assessment
Check your tax assessment here. You’ll be notified by e-mail/SMS when your tax assessment is ready. This way, you don’t have to worry about it.
Calculate your tax
In the tax calculation, you enter your estimated income and deductions for the last income years.
Certificate for tax and value added tax
You will need a certificate for tax and value added tax when you have to obtain documentation of whether or not your business or you personally owe tax/value added tax. The certificate states the amount that is outstanding, including interest.
Altinn is a web portal for electronic dialogue between the business/industry sector, citizens and government agencies. Altinn is also a technical platform which public sector can use to produce digital services.
Service Centre for Foreign Workers
The Service Centre for Foreign Workers (SUA) is a centre where the Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet), the Police (politiet), the Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) and the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) work together towards foreigners arriving to Norway for employment purposes, with the aim of providing them appropriate guidance and a shortening of the time used for processing their applications.
MinID-account - how to create and use
This information is for you who have created a MinID account at the tax office, and have registered by mobile phone. The advantages for you as an employee is among others that you can order your tax deduction card and receive your tax return online.
Appeal against tax on estate - Oslo municipality Oslo municipality
You can complain about a written property tax in Oslo by logging in to the Digital Counselor. It shows an overview of your registered properties. You complain by clicking on the "Complaint of Property Tax" link in the solution and then following the instructions. If you complain about the housing value , you must complain to the tax office and not the municipality. (In Norwegian only)
Tax certificate Drammen Municipality
A tax certificate documents paid VAT and taxes.