United Kingdom
Business Registrations :: Applications
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Set up a business
What you need to do to set up depends on your type of business, where you work and whether you take people on to help.
Register as a creditor in a bankruptcy or liquidation
Register as a creditor if a person or company owes you money and the court issues them with a bankruptcy or winding-up order.
Restore your dissolved company
You can only apply to Companies House to get your company restored (known as ‘administrative restoration’) if: you were a director or shareholder it was struck off the register and dissolved by the Registrar of Companies within the last 6 years it was trading at the time it was dissolved
Food business registration
Art therapist registration
You must register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) to practise as an art therapist in the UK.
Register or renew as a waste carrier or broker (Northern Ireland)
Contact the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) to register as a waste carrier if you want to transport waste, or buy and sell it. You must also register if you arrange for waste to be transported, disposed of or recovered.
Register or renew as a waste carrier or broker (Scotland)
Contact the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to register as a waste carrier if you want to transport waste for your business, or buy and sell it.
Register or renew as a waste carrier, broker or dealer (Wales)
You must register with Natural Resource Wales if your main place of business is Wales and you: - transport waste as part of your business - buy, sell or dispose of waste - arrange for someone else to buy, sell or dispose of waste
Register as a childminder (Northern Ireland)
Contact your local Health and Social Care Trust (HSCT) to apply for registration as a childminder, or to provide day care services.
Register as a childminder (Scotland)
You must register online with the Care Inspectorate if you want to become a childminder in Scotland.
Register as a childminder agency in England
You must register with Ofsted if you want to set up a childminder agency in England. You can register as an individual, or as a private or public sector organisation such as a school or academy. You must have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, and be interviewed and inspected by Ofsted as part of your application.
Register as a childminder or childcare provider (England)
You must register with Ofsted or a childminder agency if you want to be paid to look after children under 8 for more than 2 hours a day in England.
Application to register a milk production holding (England and Wales)
You must register your holding with the Food Standards Authority (FSA) if it is used for milk production.
Register as a biomass supplier
Register on the biomass supplier list so you can supply biomass fuel to people using the Renewable Heat Incentive.