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Arrangements and taxes
When you inherit, you must pay legal fees and taxes on the income that the inheritance gives you
Gifts and inheritance advances
You have given a gift if you have given something of value without the recipient paying full price.
Tax on bankruptcy and termination
See how and when the Employee Guarantee Fund (LG) calculates taxes on the amount you receive
When you have debt
The government may withhold a portion of your salary if, for example, you do not comply with a payment scheme
Arrangements and taxes
When you inherit, you must pay legal fees and taxes on the income that the inheritance gives you
Gifts and inheritance advances
You have given a gift if you have given something of value without the recipient paying full price.
Tax in connection with the death penalty
The estate shall only pay the death penalty if it is a change of residence
Pay residual tax
If you have to pay the residual tax, you have paid too little in tax for the year
Preliminary income
On your preliminary statement you can include See your draw rate and deduction per. month
You receive the most deductions automatically, but some deductions must be written on the annual report
Complaint against decision to the Tax Board
You may appeal against decisions by the Tax Administration, the Gambling Authority and the Tax Council
Money back in treasure
If you have paid too much in tax, you will automatically get the money back on your Nemkonto
Tax on retirement and early retirement
You often get your deductions automatically and pay the right tax on your pension and early retirement
Tax cards, bikort and free passes
Your tax card, debit card and free card is digital. You can see the information in KeySelv
Annual tax return
In your annual report you can see if you need money back or have paid too little in tax
Too much paid SU
If you have received too much SU, you have to pay a portion of your SU back.
Tax deduction for seniors
From 1 January 2018, inquiries regarding tax deductions for seniors must be made to the Tax Agency
Tax-free premium and payroll if you were born before 1956
You must work unlimited next to your early retirement salary if you are an employee
Tax-free premium and payroll if you were born before 1956
You must work unlimited next to your early retirement salary if you are an employee
Tax-free premium and payroll if you were born before 1956
You must work unlimited next to your early retirement salary if you are an employee
You receive the most deductions automatically, but some deductions must be written on the annual report