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Driver’s licence
Information and forms to download. Driving licence applications and renewals are handled by the municipalities.
Transport and disability
The municipality can advise and provide support for transport in case of disability
If you have a permanent disability, you can apply for support for a disabled car
Transport and disability
The municipality can advise and provide support for transport in case of disability
Discount arrangements for public transport
There are special discount arrangements when traveling by bus, train and metro
Lost, worn or broken license
All applications for driving licenses must be submitted to a citizen's service in one of the country's municipalities
Driving licenses - the different categories
You must meet different conditions to get the different categories of driving license
Transport and disability
The municipality can advise and provide support for transport in case of disability
Transport to medical attention
In some cases, you may receive the transport to and from the doctor, hospital and rehabilitation
Freight and Speed Limits
You are required to know the traffic rules and to pay attention when you are in traffic