Individuals and Families
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Description Citizen portal
a single Internet entry point to the public sector’s information and eServices to citizens, regardless of the origin of the public authority.
Child allowances
Family support (allowance for each child under 18 years-old, regardless of the parents’ income) is provided to all families in the National Register. This support is paid automatically - no application required. Other types of child support may also be available, administered and paid by the social services of the different communes, upon application only.
child support
Child support is a contribution, one parent pays to another if you do not live together
Special contributions
You can apply for contributions from the child's other parent in special situations, such as baptism or confirmation
You can, as a rule, apply for spouse contributions if you no longer live with your spouse
Day care and day care centers
You can write your child on the waiting list for day care, crèche, kindergarten, etc. You need to decide when you need the place. You can also sign up for the child or search for free download digital.
Rules for daycare
As a result of the passport rules, the municipality must allocate space in an age-related day offer for all children in the age group over 26 weeks and until the child's school start. If you want a seat in the immediate extension of the 26 weeks, the municipality has a further four weeks to offer this space. As a parent, you must ensure that the child is written up to a place within the guidelines and deadlines for revaluation set by the municipality.
Financial Free Escort Grant, Sickness Grant and other grants
You can apply for a financial contribution to your municipality for a number of expenses
Leisure and recreation center
You can apply for admission to your child in a recreational scheme
Leisure and youth clubs
Leisure and youth clubs are an offer for children and adolescents after school hours
Child sick and absence
You are entitled to absence from work if your child becomes acute or injured
Conditions of marriage
To get married you must meet a number of general conditions
Conflict brokering is a voluntary and free conflict resolution offer in the state administration, which is offered completely independent of the ordinary administrative procedure in the state administration.
When you want to get married
You can be devoted civicly to the town hall or by an ecclesiastical wedding
Registered partnership
Couples of the same sex can get married instead of entering a registered partnership
Separation and divorce
You can apply for separation, direct divorce or divorce after separation on the web
child support
Child support is a contribution, one parent pays to another if you do not live together
Childcare advice
When you go as parents, it may be helpful to have childcare advice
Children and adolescents are under custody until they reach 18
If your parents are to be divorced
Almost every third child finds that the parents are divorced, but there is help to retrieve
Where should the child live?
When you go apart, it's important that you agree who your child will be with
Conflict brokering is a voluntary and free conflict resolution offer in the state administration, which is offered completely independent of the ordinary administrative procedure in the state administration.
When you go apart, you need to agree on how to interact with the child
Separation and divorce
You can apply for separation, direct divorce or divorce after separation on the web
Divorce and retirement
It's a good idea to review your retirement plans if you get divorced
Special contributions
You can apply for contributions from the child's other parent in special situations, such as baptism or confirmation
You can, as a rule, apply for spouse contributions if you no longer live with your spouse
When a child is born and you are not married, it must be determined who is the father.
When two women get children together, co-determination can be determined before assisted reproduction
Children and adolescents are under custody until they reach 18
A child must be named before it is half a year. You can do this by baptism or on the page
Name Rules
You must have one or more first names, but only one last name
Children in distress
If you are worried about a child, please inform the municipality
Placement of children and young people outside the home
If the child needs it, it may be best to place it outside the home
Approval as a foster family
Approval as a family nurse depends on the type of nurse in question.
Family counseling and emergency help
Parents can get advice and help in different situations, such as financial assistance, guidance on education and housing. The municipality will help anonymously and many organizations also offer help and advice.
Conflict brokering is a voluntary and free conflict resolution offer in the state administration, which is offered completely independent of the ordinary administrative procedure in the state administration.
Violence and rape
Any form of violence is illegal in Denmark, even when it takes place at home
There are several forms of adoption. Common is that adoption should be beneficial to the child
Pregnancy Test
You can make a pregnancy test yourself or you can make it with your doctor
Leisure and recreation center
You can apply for admission to your child in a recreational scheme
Child Health Checkups
All children in Denmark are offered regular free health examinations
Childhood vaccinations
The Danish childhood vaccination program offers free vaccination against a number of diseases
Pregnancy Test
You can make a pregnancy test yourself or you can make it with your doctor
When a child is born and you are not married, it must be determined who is the father.
You can, as a rule, apply for spouse contributions if you no longer live with your spouse
child support
Child support is a contribution, one parent pays to another if you do not live together
Special contributions
You can apply for contributions from the child's other parent in special situations, such as baptism or confirmation
Divorce and retirement
It's a good idea to review your retirement plans if you get divorced
Individual pensions
You can supplement your pension by paying an individual pension scheme
Where should the child live?
When you go apart, it's important that you agree who your child will be with
Lost citizenship
If you, as a Danish citizen, lose your citizenship, it is possible to regroup it
The Central Personnel Register (CPR)
All persons living in Denmark are registered in a single register, the CPR register
identity card
You can legitimize with a ID card if you do not have passports or driving licenses
Name Rules
You must have one or more first names, but only one last name
If you can not take care of your personal and financial circumstances, you can go under guard
Children and adolescents are under custody until they reach 18
power of attorney
You are entitled to let another person act on behalf of you
Membership of the People's Church
If you want to unsubscribe from the church, contact the priest or church office in your parish
Violence and rape
Any form of violence is illegal in Denmark, even when it takes place at home
Violence and rape
Any form of violence is illegal in Denmark, even when it takes place at home