
Business Registrations :: Applications

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Title Description
State registration of legal entities, accounting registration of their branches and representative offices, taking into account the opening of a bank account and compulsory insurance of an employee against accidents in the performance of labor (official) duties
Registration of a private practitioner
Inclusion in the register of owners of duty-free shops
Inclusion in the register of owners of free warehouses
Inclusion in the register of owners of temporary storage warehouses
Inclusion in the register of customs carriers
Inclusion in the register of customs representatives
Inclusion in the register of authorized economic operators
State registration or re-registration of baby food, food and biologically active food additives, genetically modified objects, dyes, disinfectants, disinsection and disinfection, materials and products in contact with water and food, chemicals, certain products and substances that provide harmful effects on human health
State registration of pesticides (toxic chemicals)