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The Internal Revenue Service (SRI - El Servicio de Rentas Internas)
Website of the The Internal Revenue Service.
Tax Calculator (Calculadora Tributaria)
Online tax calculator.
I am going to start my business (Voy a iniciar mi negocio)
The steps to follow how to start a new business and meet required tax obligations on time.
How do I declare your taxes? (Como declaro mis impuestos?)
Detailed instructions how to declare taxes.
DIMM Software to declare (DIMM Software para declarar)
Instructions on how to download or update the DIMM Software (Software for submitting declarations).
How do I pay my taxes (Como pago mis impuestos?)
Forms and detailed instructions how to pay taxes.
General information (Informacion general)
Information on all the taxes that the SRI administers.
Value Added Tax -VAT (Impuesto al Valor Agregado - IVA)
List of links to detailed information related to VAT, including application forms to download and instructions how to fill them out.
Income tax (Impuesto a la renta)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the income tax; rates and calendar of the payment.
Currency Exit Tax (Impuesto a la Salida de Divisas)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the currency exit tax, rates and calendar of the payment.
Excise Tax (Impuesto a lo Consumos Especiales)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the excise tax; rates and calendar of the payment.
Motor Vehicles Tax (Impuesto a los Vehículos Motorizados)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the motor vehicle tax; rates and calendar of the payment.
Environmental Tax on Vehicle Pollution (Impuesto Ambiental a la Contaminación Vehicular)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the environmental tax on vehicle pollution; rates and calendar of the payment.
Redeemable Non-Returnable Plastic Bottles Tax (Impuesto Redimible Botellas Plásticas no Retornables)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the redeemable non-returnable plastic bottles tax; rates and calendar of the payment.
Rural Land Tax (Impuesto Tierras Rurales)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the rural land tax; rates and calendar of the payment.
Tax on Assets Abroad (Impuesto a los Activos en el Exterior)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the tax on the assets abroad; rates and calendar of the payment.
Income Tax on Income from Inheritances, Legacies and Donations (Impuesto a la Renta de Ingresos Provenientes de Herencias, Legados y Donaciones)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the income tax on income from inheritances, legacies and donations; rates and calendar of the payment.
Conservation Patents for Mining Concession (Patentes de Conservación para Concesión Minera)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the conservation patents for mining concession fees; rates and calendar of the payment.
Mining activity royalties (Regalías a la actividad minera)
Detailed information on how, where, and who should pay the mining activity royalties fees; rates and calendar of the payment.
Contribution dedicated to the financing of the comprehensive support against cancer (Contribución destinada al financiamiento de la atención integral del cáncer)
Detailed information on the contribution dedicated to the financing of the comprehensive support against cancer.